Freephone0808 8024040

By causing fear and anxiety, your behaviours could be harming your loved ones. Abuse. Let’s Draw The Line.

We understand that taking the first step to call us can seem scary, but we’re here to help, no shame or judgement. Here’s what happens when you call:

  • A friendly Advisor will listen and ask about your situation
  • Our Advisor will help you understand your behaviours
  • You’ll get honest advice and guidance
  • It’s all confidential
  • Contact us via phone, webchat or email

Reflect on your behaviours today.

We encourage you to reflect on your behaviours and how they have harmed others close to you. Becoming aware of how you’re acting will help you take control of your behaviours – and ultimately, stop.

  • Is your relationship abusive?
    Abuse isn’t just physical, it can also be emotional, sexual, financial or psychological. Find out more here.
  • Is your behaviour impacting your partner & family?
    Domestic abuse can significantly impact the lives of your partner, children and other loved ones. Find out more here.
  • Are you unsure how you can change?
    Learn how others have changed their lives for the better. Your relationship doesn’t have to be like this. Read more here.
  • Make the choice today.
    It can be difficult to admit that your behaviour isn’t okay. Abuse is a decision you make and you can decide differently. Abuse. Let’s Draw The Line.
"You can talk to us in confidence about your violence and domestic abuse. A friendly Helpline Advisor will listen to you without judgement and give you honest advice."
Freephone 0808 8024040

We’re Here To Help. Abuse. Let’s Draw The Line.

If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, you’re a concerned family member or you’re working with domestic abuse perpetrators – our team of friendly advisors can help. Contact us via phone, webchat or email.

  • If you think you’re a victim of domestic abuse, help and support is available for you. Read more.
  • If you’re a concerned family member or friend. Help and advise is available here.
  • Are you working with a perpetrator of domestic abuse? We can help, read more.


Abuse destroys trust and wrecks relationships. Your relationship doesn’t have to be like this.

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